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Happy couple smiling at each other while holding a pregnancy test

Congratulations on your pregnancy! You are feeling amazing and great and then suddenly food aversions, nausea and tiredness have set in, even weight loss. For many women first trimester can be tricky and exhausting to navigate.

Obstetricians who are there for you

Congratulations… you are pregnant and will be having a baby soon. Dr Scott Pearce, Dr Haider Najjar, Dr Tom Manley, Dr Mei Cheah, Dr Sugandha Kumar, Dr Debby Utama and Dr Jeh Wen Ho would love to care for you during this very special time.

As obstetricians it is a real privilege to share your pregnancy journey with you. We hope that every “mum to be” has an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth and that you feel reassured that our expert knowledge, training and experience will keep you and your baby safe.

One of the most important aspects of private pregnancy care is the relationship you will build with your obstetrician, Create Health midwife and the friendly Create Health staff. Labour and birth can be quite an intense time, and it is important that you trust your obstetrician completely to guide you through this experience.

Create Health obstetricians share a philosophy centred on personal and supportive care through pregnancy and childbirth in the most natural way. Every pregnancy is different, and every journey to get there can differ too; we will listen to your special wishes and values, doing our very best to accommodate them. We are committed to ensure that you have a positive and safe experience with us, and that you feel respected and dignified along the way.

Create Health obstetricians deliver across Melbourne at Waverley Private Hospital, Mount Waverley; Cabrini Hospital Malvern; Jessie McPherson Private Hospital, Clayton and St John of God, Berwick. Your choice of obstetrician will largely determine the hospital at which you will deliver.

COVID-19 Patient Update

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) released their Guidelines for the Covid-19 Vaccination in Pregnant and Breastfeeding women. Please view these Guidelines here.

Meet our Obstetricians