Gynaecology | Create Health | Gynaecologist Melbourne

Latest gynaecology blog post

Understanding and Managing Menstrual Pain

In this article, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, and management strategies for dysmenorrhoea.

The Best Gynaecologists in Melbourne

Gynaecology encompasses the health of the reproductive system, and any concerns that are affecting it. These issues are often sensitive, sometimes painful and may be stressful, and as expert gynaecologists, we know they can have a significant impact on your life and personal wellbeing.

Highly Skilled and Expert Gynaecologists 

The experienced gynaecologists at Create Health are caring, supportive and we empathise with how you are feeling and what you are experiencing. It is our priority to keep you well-informed and supported so you feel empowered by the decisions you make about your health. It is our job to restore your quality of life and happiness, and we are here to help. 

Some women may experience complex gynaecological conditions with pelvic and/or bowel pain, heavy or abnormal periods, urinary incontinence and bladder issues. Many women come to Create Health following a specific diagnosis of endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), infertility, prolapse, and cervical screening

Contraception and pre-conception health are also common issues our gynaecologists can assist with. 

If you are not sure what to do and you are concerned about your health or are living with pain and discomfort, it is important to see your GP and consider a referral to a specialist gynaecologist.

Call (03) 9873 6767 and a member of our team will be happy to discuss this with you and walk you through the process of obtaining a referral from your GP to see one of our specialist gynaecologists. 

Create Health Melbourne and Regional Gynaecology

Create Health’s highly skilled gynaecologists offer private gynaecology services across Melbourne and regional Victoria. We have seen countless women benefit from the wide range of expertise and collaboration our gynaecological team provides across Melbourne and Victoria more broadly.

Keyhole Surgery Melbourne – Endometriosis and Fibroids

Create Health has some of Australia’s most skilled and sought-after gynaecologic keyhole surgeons. The collective group knowledge and expertise at Create Health ensures patients can receive the best possible outcomes, knowing that each of our surgeons have undergone several years of specialised training solely for these procedures in addition to their highly advanced training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Create Health gynaecologists offer minimally invasive treatment including single incision procedures and robotic surgery through to the most complex surgeries associated with endometriosis and fibroids.

Meet Our Gynaecologists

Do You Need a Referral to See a Gynaecologist?

Yes. A referral from your GP is required in order to claim any Medicare benefits you are entitled to. Your referral can be made out to a specific specialist, or to Create Health. We recommend all patients obtain a referral from their GP or specialist prior to their appointment with a Create Health Specialist.  If you are the holder of a Medicare card, a referral entitles you to a Medicare rebate on your consultation fee and any subsequent treatment.  A referral letter usually contains important information about your treatment, which may save time at the initial consultation. A referral from a GP is valid for 12 months from the date of your first appointment, or 3 months if the referral is written by another specialist or consultant physician.

How Much Does It Cost to See a Gynaecologist in Melbourne?

Each specialist sets their own fees. Please call or email us and our friendly reception team can direct you to the specialist’s office for specific information about their fees. We are not a bulk billing practice and we do request payment at the time of consultation and commencement of fertility cycles. We accept credit cards (Visa and MasterCard), EFTPOS and direct deposit. HICAPS is available for Allied Health consultations.

Book an Appointment with One of Our Gynaecologists Today

If you’re seeking gynaecological care, our doctors are Women’s Health experts and would love to discuss how we can provide care for you. Call us by ringing 9873 6767.